I think communication’s important and to try to inform people that they’re perfect and that art demands nothing of them. What art actually is, is a realisation of their own possibilities in this world, to have their parameters expand and to have their life experience become vaster and that’s what art is, art is about your possibilities it’s nothing other than that.
I think that art shouldn’t demand anything of anybody and that when you are viewing something, that when you are confronting it, nothing is demanded of you, if you happen to have information that could help you have more connections, have greater consciousness of this interaction, that’s wonderful and you can find even more significance in that experience. There are no judgements, there is no place for judgements in this world and by removing judgements you are able to remove anxiety. You can have a much greater sense of consciousness.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03nt8jf time:21:40