Ai Weiwei: Works 2004-2007
Philip Tinari, Charles Merewether, Ai Weiwei (Editor), Urs Meile (Editor), Peter Pakesch (Editor)
Publisher: JRP|RINGier
ISBN: 3905829274 DDC: 709 Edition: Paperback; 2008-08-01
p. 180 "Ironically, TEMPLATE as a structure collapsed under heavy weather conditions some days after its inauguration. Perhaps it was a fitting end, symbolising the fragility of the proposed template and the fate of a form that, made of fragments, is little more than a void. This is the "condition of time", a condition of temporality that governs everything and therefore offers no guarantee as to what will come after. One can only create the conditions of possibility through the actualisations that reveal the material force of its being. These actualisations are what is given at the time but they contain, nonetheless, a potentiality or virtuality which is then to be determined. This the is the freedom of the work itself, and in turn the freedom of its audience." Charles Merewether