Tutorial Monday 21 Feb 2011

MA Tutorial report form
Date; Monday 21 Feb 2011
Name; Jonathan Holden


Reflection on outcomes since last tutorial



Current projected aims and outcomes

Get to understand what my tutors expect of me from this course.
Get to grips with the requirements of this course.
Complete assignments as required.
Develop relationships with fellow students.
Continue reflections on first tutorial, and develop artistic ideas through reading, discussing with colleagues and working through issues to attempt to resolve problems.


Discussion and recommendations
Reflect on each series - values - did it work or not? Look at work as if in a gallery.
Work looks rushed/ impatient keep experimenting, but finish work FINISHING WORK What am I really about? find depth, commitment to method / idea / subject / value / judgement
E.g. Gender [why are all my Abstract Heads female? What about the “Seven ages of man”?? but no, gender is not something i am interested in... I read that females sell... I found the male mannequins (but have since given them away after selling two)]
Reflecting of myself > but what of myself?? Look at the work of Nancy Spero, Jonathan Lasker and Beatrix Milhazes to develop this idea.
How far can I push my work? What´s the next work after this? Which reflect me and what I want to say?
Sensitivity to materials - appropriateness / Capvespres are chunky Seven ages of man too literal.
BE METAPHORICAL a novelist might talk about the mundane (going to the corner shop) but I want to read it. It doesn´t have to be a great idea... take an idea to its boundaries... for example in the work of Helen Chadwick and Cornelia Parker
Painting into 3D - take a look at: Robert Rauschenberg Jasper Johns Julian Opie Patrick Caulfield
Abstract Heads Series - Interesting use of colour - seems thought about, distinct sense of personality. Think about how I am making decisions about colour - making / placing / playing
e.g. Ellsworth Kelly. Peter Halley - geometric abstraction/ architectural forms